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            ...Click on track number to enter


Trenomania Foto - The Network's corner dedicated to real trains photos. You can also easily insert your own photos: they will be posted online soon. Give it a try!

- Now only Italian -

Train Simulator - The glorious website with hundreds of italian add-ons for TS. Routes, locomotives, passenger and freight cars, activities, objects, tips for your Microsoft Train Simulator

BVE - Network section dedicated to Boso View Express simulator make by Mackoy.Here will find add-on, news and other

SimulatoreTreno - Information,add-on,help and tips on simulator ideated and maked by Paolo Sbaccheri

- Now only Italian -

SSI - Station Information System, created by Matteo Leonardi, exclusively available on Trenomania. Here news, updateand help & tips.

- Now only Italian -

Trenomania Forum - This is the meeting board for all Trainsim fans. You will find an English section devoted to Foreign Friends and many other in Italian concerning several aspects of our preferred trainsim programs.

T.C.Q. & N.I.P. are two sections devoted to 3D designers, routes and addons builders. In N.I.P. you can find new projects that will be available lately for download in Trenomania Network's pages.

Versione Italiana



Trenomania 2005